The Talent Seekers – Out Now on Amazon!

The Talent Seekers is now published on Amazon at  You can download it for your Kindle or Kindle app for just £2.10 (or $2.99 at the .com site – €2.60 on European sites).  It is also free to borrow for Amazon Prime members until mid-August.

The blurb:

Humphrey having a small cuddleHumphrey is on the run.  He has no friends, no past, no purpose, and no future.  He’s just a guinea pig trying to find his way west in a world of dark forests, wild hills, strong castles, and assorted vagabonds and other nameless things that might or might not begin with the letter V.

White Horse Castle has a proud past but an uncertain future.  The new king, Benson, is trying to hold his realm together against the avaricious intentions of his neighbour, Lord Colman of Castle Deeping. Fortunately, White Horse Castle has a secret.  It knows that there are special guinea pig people out there… people who need a purpose… people with skills and talents that could be put to good use. The trouble is, how to find them?

It’s a tale of friendship and greed, battles and ingenuity, suitable for readers aged 12 and up.


The Talent Seekers is set after all but the epilogue of the Lost City in the Princelings timeline, but is more or less independent of the previous stories.  Some minor characters have appeared in other books, but most are new.

As with previous books, there will be some free offer days during the next three months.  For the latest news, follow this website, or follow Jemima’s blog, like the Princelings Facebook page, follow @jemima_pett on Twitter, or become a fan of Jemima Pett on Goodreads.