Pirates is three years old

It’s three years since I published The Princelings and the Pirates.  That was book 2 and I’m now working on book 7!  I know a few readers are rushing to keep up, and it’s all the more helpful since the first book went on free sale, as Pirates’ sales picked up beautifully in 2014.

The Princelings and the Pirates is where Fred meets Kira for the first time.  Kira is kidnapped from her home castle, Dimerie, and Fred rescues her from Castle Marsh.  How their love blossoms is part of the adventure in the Princelings and the Lost City.  It’s not really a romance, though – except I love the way Fred does that cool thing of pretending he doesn’t care when he has to sort out the mystery.  Yes, Fred, we read you – ok!

The rest of the series is really about the way life in the realms changes, partly due to the inventions George is involved with, but also other reasons, like commercial developments and power struggles.  Will they be able to meet the commitment Lupin, Fred, George and Victor were involved in making to Hugo, Lord Mariusz, at the end of Book 1?  Time will tell!

Jemima is writing book 7!

I wasn’t supposed to be writing this till later in the year, but I suddenly had it in my head, the start of it, anyway.  It may be that Willoughby had been doing the Narrathon over Christmas, so I was not ready to let go of the character.  Or it may have been one of those weird things as, sad to say, the real Willoughby – a guinea pig in New York – died suddenly on January 8th. I’d been writing the second chapter that morning, and I haven’t been able to put it away since.  I’ve got a widget on the sidebar of my blog which tells you how I’m getting on with it.

Its working title is The Chronicles of Willoughby the Narrator (which is too long), and it stars Willoughby from his arrival in the realms to… well, some time in the future from where we are now.  And that now is after Bravo Victor, after Fred’s Yuletide Escape and after Dylan’s Yuletide Journey (those two might be in the other order, anyway).  At present I’m dividing it into three sections: I may stop after Part 1, which brings us to the end of The Talent Seekers, which is where you will find Willoughby for the first time in the published series.  Part 2 will follow him through his career until he solves the problem that he and King Fred were talking about as he left Castle Marsh after the Yuletide Narrathon!  and Part 3… well I’m not sure where that will end.  I may need to write book 8 before I can decide that.

I was going to give you the first few paragraphs (as they are at present) as a taster, but I’m not sure…  does it give too much away?  I’ll give you a bit of the next section instead – there are plenty of clues to where and when we are if you’ve read the books!

“You will never be an effective ninja, Willoughby, until you learn to focus.”

It was fine for my teacher to tell me that, again, but if he was tickling my nose of course I would be distracted. I frowned and tried again, but he sighed, stood up and waited for me to copy him. We bowed. That was the signal for the end of the lesson.

I went out into the afternoon sun, pausing for a moment to look out from the sky courtyard onto the towers that grew up from the murk below me, fingers against the shimmering ribbons of the rivers joining together in the distance. It was a great view, and it always calmed my mind. Yes, I needed to focus more, but I was making progress in my training, and my teacher knew it. My hearing was coming on exceptionally well, mainly because I got in a lot of practice listening to my uncle and the Professor Saku wrangling about the time tunnel. All sorts of theories about it: concerns about its side-effects, plans to meet the cola orders that came through, and whether to train up a new travelling salesman as a replacement for Hugo. I had not so far discovered who Hugo was. We didn‘t have a Hugo at Hattan, so it must be someone at the far side of the tunnel, the place they called the Realms. The guys who looked after the deliveries down there did so in shifts, and were shipped off for a break as soon as they came back, so I never managed to find out what they did. I was planning to slip down there myself, just working out when and how.

I waved at my cousin Raisin, who was lounging about on sentry duty. We had a sentry in the sky courtyard just because it was an easy job for one of us juniors, and it gave us basic training before we got into serious work. I heard him make out he was accosting someone as I left the yard to nip down to see Saku.

“Stay where you are! You are completely surrounded!”

Yeah Raisin, I thought. It does get boring, doesn’t it?

(c) J M Pett 2015

In which we eavesdrop on King Fred…

The Narrathon is over, the Solstice is past, the Yuletide celebrations have finished and all the residents have renewed their allegiance to Castle Marsh on a surprisingly mild and windy Green Willow Day.

Willoughby the Narrator has said his goodbyes to his followers and to his many friends at the castle, but King Fred accompanies him to the gate.

“You are very welcome to stay, you know.”

“Thank you, but I think I must move on, or I could get too comfortable in one place all winter.”

“It didn’t stop you taking the residency at Buckmore,” Fred says, referring to the previous year when Willoughby had been Narrator-in-residence, an initiative of Prince Lupin’s that had turned into a fixture.

Wiilloughby smiles, and looks over the southern marsh and the expanse of reeds he must travel through before he reaches the line of trees in the west.

“Where next, anyway?” asks Fred.

“I think I’ll visit the ladies.”

Fred laughs.  “Well, they’ll give you a warm welcome.  Then you’ll be eaten alive by their own story-tellers!”

“Yes, they’re very good.  Glad they don’t go travelling or they’d put the rest of us out of work.”

“I have a job for you to do, if you want to keep moving.  Actually, I have a job for you if you don’t, as well.”

“I know you need a steward, and I am thinking about it.  Seriously.  If you don’t have one this time next year…”

“Come for our Narrathon next year, then, and it’ll cover what I’d like you to do in the meantime.”

Willoughby looks at him with narrowed eyes.

“It should be easy.  Just keep your eyes open.”

“I always do that.”

“Well, we need to know what’s going on at Vexstein.  Really know, I mean, not just what they tell us.  What the people think, how they are treated.”

“Whether the rumours are true, in fact.”

Fred nods, lips grim. “Be careful, though. We’ve not seen any refugees from there for months.  Many months.”

Willoughby sighs.  “I also need to check the situation at White Horse.  And nobody’s seen Prince Kevin of Deeping since the spring.”

“If you go to Vexstein, tell Lupin or me that you’re going in, and tell us when you come out, too.”

“How long will you wait after I go in?”

Fred pauses. He’s not thought of that.  How long will Willoughby need to find out what’s going on?  How quickly should he or Prince Lupin take action if they don’t hear from him?  And how long would make it too late?

“If I go in,” says Willoughby, having worked through the same questions in his head, “I’ll make sure someone knows how I am each day.  I’ll let you know.  If I go.”

Fred nods. Being a king is no fun, most of the time.

Willoughby grins.  He sets off down the track from the castle, round the pond and off towards the woods.  His fiddlesticks are casually slung across his back, and he whistles a jaunty tune.  Being a narrator is fun, all the time.  Especially when you have hidden talents.

(c) J M Pett 2015