Exciting news – a new paperback!

Traveler - original cover

I’m bringing out a new paperback book in October!  The Traveler in Black and White has been set up for paperback distribution via Createspace, and I’m waiting for the proof copy to arrive from the USA.  Sometimes they can get held up in Customs.  I had a batch of Trilogies go missing last winter; eventually turned up three months later.  I think just one book shouldn’t have a problem though.

It came in at 190 pages, set in a slightly larger typeface than the Trilogy.  I think if I went larger with that it would be both unwieldy and very costly.  Traveler will probably retail at about $8 in the USA and £5 in UK.  Something like that, anyway.

I’ll be working on a paperback of Talent Seekers in due course. I don’t know whether that or the editing of Victor’s story will take priority, since I’m also working on my Dad’s biography.  Watch this space!

Trilogy revised and updated

I’ve been working on the Princelings of the East – The Trilogy, enlarging the font one size so that it is now 468 pages long –  15% thicker but still manageable!  I’ve taken out the page on Victor’s Story and updated the teasers for Traveler and Talent Seekers.  And – in response to some comments – I’ve added some pictures of Fred, George, Victor and Hugo at the back, just before the Biography page.

One problem I had was the pricing.  I wanted to put this into wider circulation, but to do so I would have had to raise the selling price to $16.15 from $13.99.  I felt that was too much.  What do you think?  I have been considering making each of the books available in paperback, and maybe that would be more worthwhile, as they would be cheaper to produce, being thinner.  I don’t know how much you are prepared to pay for a paperback for a 10-14 year old, even one with three stories in it.   Any feedback would be welcome.

The Princelings of the East – The Trilogy is available at Amazon or our estore.  The three books are included in the one volume with their illustrations and covers (in greyscale) to give a 468 page paperback.  It looks lovely!

Trilogy Launch Party and Giveaway!

The party to launch the Princelings of the East – The Trilogy will be on Friday 26th October between 10pm and midnight UK time.  That’s 23.00 to 01.00 Europe, 5 pm to 7 pm New York and 2 pm to 4 pm Pacific.  And 8 am to 10 am Saturday in Sydney, Australia.

And we’re giving away a copy of the paperback and also three Smashwords vouchers for free ebooks in the Princelings series. Continue reading “Trilogy Launch Party and Giveaway!”