Dylan’s Yuletide Journey 1

Castle Haunn

A short story in three parts.

Chapter One: The case of the disappearing strawberry juice

Castle Haunn
Castle Haunn

Dylan sprawled on the edge of the crag, looking for anything useful on the rocky shore below. He’d fled as soon as he heard the screams of rage from Uncle Donal echoing through the rocky tunnels of Castle Haunn.  He wasn’t going to get blamed, oh, no. It wasn’t Dylan’s fault the lights had gone out and the ship carrying their provisions had missed the harbour.  It wasn’t his fault it was a dark and stormy night, so the captain of the ship had no chance of finding his way to any other safe haven either. But whoever’s fault it was, there would be no extra food, no extra wood and no extra strawberry juice for the next two weeks at least.

It was going to be a cold, cold, yuletide this year. Continue reading “Dylan’s Yuletide Journey 1”