I’m bringing out the ebooks of the Princelings series in three box sets over a period of time, starting at the beginning with Books 1-3. This will be released on 25th November 2016, and is available to pre-order at Apple iTunes, B&N for Nook, and Kobo now. You will be able to get it for Kindle (and other formats) at Smashwords from the publication date.
Apple iTunes ** B&N for Nook ** Kobo
I know you’ve probably already got these books, but do tell your friends, and if you’d like to promote it in a post or tweet at anytime, just ask me for any other details (or an interview, or excerpt).
In case you’re wondering about the other two sets, one will be Books 4-6, available next year, and the third one Books 7-10, available some time after book 10 comes out, so maybe around 2021!