If you’ve read the section on Guinea Pig Fiction, you’ll see I’ve been toying with ideas for a new book. After several diversions following ideas that come up in conversations during Craft & Gift Fairs, I’ve come back to what I like most: writing about my guinea pig heros.
Step forward, Roscoe and Neville

As indicated in Guinea Pig Fiction, I was less than happy with the short stories I’d written about Roscoe and Neville in the early part of this year.
I’ve now worked out what the book needs to be, and therefore how to write it.
- stars Roscoe and Neville as themselves
- needs some female protagonists, who will be ‘the guinea pigs next door’
- Setting – Flexford Common. This is an imaginary place, set in pre-built-up Chandlers Ford. Flexford Woods exist nearby, and Common Road is close to me, so there must have been a common at some time. I might even hunt down old maps of the area.
- Roscoe and Neville will make use of the tunnel they excavated for the Halloween story of 2020 to venture out of the house
- Target audience will be 7 and up, and older junior dyslexic readers. So, short sentences, easier vocabulary, and printed with good spacing on cream paper.
- Probably four to six short stories in the volume (Messenger Misadventures has four, and is for good readers 8 and up)
And the working title is: The Cavies of Flexford Common
Just one new book?
It’s probably the only new book I’ll bring out in 2023. There is scope for a collection of Princelings short stories, but not yet.