Plans for 2025

Last year finished with a bit of a wobble, as I wasn’t well enough to do the craft fairs in September. But the last one of the year, in Romsey, went very well, and with good sales of the Princelings books.

The trouble with a long series is that people rarely buy more than the first three, if they buy more than one. I now offer ‘buy five, get the cheapest free’, so if people are catching up, they can mix and match. Sometimes people jump in on the story they most like the sound of. And at last someone bought Bravo Victor, which I think is a really good tale, as is The Princelings of the North, which also suffers from being near the end of the series.

I’m hoping to take them to Further South, 15-17 March at the Marriott Hotel, Portsmouth (Cosham). This is a FurCon, so if you fancy dressing up in your furry costume, you won’t be out of place.

More mainstream venues are booked for the year with Mynt Image Craft & Gift fairs. Same as previous years with the addition of Winchester, which is great.

venues and dates

Lyndhurst Community Centre (next to the main car park): Sat 29 March, Sat-Mon 3-5 May, Sat-Sun 20-21 Sep, Sat-Sun 25-26 Oct

Lymington Masonic Hall (nr bottom of High Street): Sat 12 April, Sat 19 Jul, Sat 13 Sep, Sat 1 Nov

Romsey Town Hall (market square): Sat 26 April, Sat 31 May, Sat 26 Jul, Sat 30 Aug, Sat 6 Dec

Salisbury Guildhall (market square): Sat 24 May, Sat 12 Jul,

Winchester Guildhall: Sun 8 June, Sun 3 Aug, Sun 5 Oct

Writing plans

No plans for more Princelings books or spin-offs, but I may attempt a sequel to Cavies of Flexford Common for early readers (key stage 1).

My Gift Fairs timetable for 2024

If you are in South/central England, or planning a trip in that direction, you may want to visit a craft & gift fair for one of my personal appearances.

I’m using four venues in 2024: Lymington, Lyndhurst, Romsey and provisionally Salisbury or Chichester

The details are in the posters below (click to enlarge them).

My schedule is:

  • April 27th – Romsey
  • May 25th – Lyndhurst
  • June 8th – Romsey
  • June 22nd – Lymington
  • (tba) – Lyndhurst, Chichester or Salisbury
  • July 20th – Lymington
  • July 27th – Lyndhurst
  • August 10th – Lymington
  • August 24-25 – Salisbury (prov)
  • August 31st – Romsey

I have all the Princelings books in paperback to sell, and of course I’ll sign them if you like!

I also have my scifi books, my short story collections, and my books for younger readers, plus my father’s memoirs.

There are also two notebooks, with pictures plus lots of journalling space – the Princelings one, with chapter illustrations and quotes, and a full-colour George’s Guinea Pig World one.

Autumn and Christmas Fairs are yet to be confirmed.

Website upgrade

I’m going to be making changes to this website over the next month or two, so if you find things are disjointed, or you have to click to ‘read on’, it’s all part of the process. It shouldn’t take long.

A review of 2023

2023 has been an eventful year for me, mainly due to health reasons. I don’t want to bore you with the details, but if you want to know more, and don’t regularly follow me at, then skip over there and check out the IWSG posts, which sort of tell the story.

The Cavies of Flexford Common

After some interesting problems, I managed to publish Roscoe & Neville’s story for 7 year olds (Key Stage 1 in the UK). I’ve been selling it at Craft fairs since July, and hope it will do well for Christmas presents.

As it is for younger readers, it is only available as a paperback. To save printing costs, is only available through Blurb, or direct from me at £6 plus postage (shipping), or you can arrange to pick it up at a craft fair (see below). You can check it out and view the purchase page at Blurb through this preview.

Personal appearances

I’ve been able to continue doing my schedule of Mynt Image Ltd Craft and Gift Fairs, thanks to the incredible support of the Mynt Image staff. Basically, they unload my car and get all my stuff to my table, then pack it all back in the car afterwards. They have been so helpful. If any of you authors are based in south-central England, check their venues out and have a go yourself.

I have four more fairs this side of Christmas, in Lymington, Salisbury, Romsey, and Lyndhurst. The posters and dates are displayed on my blog’s front page. You can get a feel for them here.

I am not doing so many next year, but basically have booked one every two weeks from mid-April through to the end of August. Same venues plus one in Chichester. I go to Romsey most often. I’ll decide whether to do more in the summer.

Paperback Prices

One of the features of this year’s fairs has been keeping the cost of books affordable when the basic prices keep going up. It’s gone in four stages – price of paper put the base price up, then distribution costs from Ingram put the add-on up, then they took out the basic level distribution percentage, so they now get 40% of the advertised price! And then the cost of paper/printing went up again.

The price online is the price that online stores can do. The price I do for fairs is the price I can do, and reflects what I’ve bought the stock in at. Some of the books (not many) I sell cheaper than Amazon. But when I next have to buy stock I’ll have to raise my own prices. Which takes me back to the decision next summer on whether to continue doing the craft fairs. Watch this space!

Other possible titles

I have not written anything else this year, partly because of my health issues. I occasionally think of the other projects I had in mind, like a collection of Princelings short stories, including some new ones featuring ‘what happened after book 10’. A second volume of Cavies of Flexford Common really depends on how well it sells at the craft fairs in the next two months.

I do think I should have done an Epilogue for book 10, though. I aim to write that, and reissue the ebook version of Princelings Revolution, which should generate a notification from your online supplier that you can update your edition free. I won’t do a new paperback version, but I will put the epilogue on this website for people to access/print out, and include an amendment slip in my paperbacks.

I’ve been developing a sort of timeline of major characters, mainly for the Amazon promotion pages. I’m not sure how good it looks, but I may test it on you first.

If anything else happens, I’ll let you know, but I hope you have a nice Christmas, and a good new year.