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Princelings Books

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Princelings Series

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The Princelings of the East was originally a trilogy telling the adventures of our heroes Fred and George.  Two innocents abroad, they leave the security of their isolated castle and venture out into a world of castles, tunnels, pirates and lost cities.  They meet princes, innkeepers and travellers, become embroiled in shady business dealings, shipwrecks and totalitarian societies. 

The series expands into other parts of the country, known as the Realms, with some battles, murders, and romances along the way. All the time Fred is working to make life better for the people he becomes responsible for, and George is trying to keep a promise he and Fred made in the first book.

These are stories for capable readers of all ages; probably ten years and up will get most from them.

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Short Stories from the Realms

Here are links to short stories and interviews that have appeared either on the blog or this website. I’ve now excluded all those that appear in the books themselves. Many were incorporated into Chronicles of Marsh. You may find some of them if you search on ‘short stories’ either here or on Jemima’s blog.

The most important one is the Christmas after the end of Princelings Revolution, which I considered writing as that book’s last chapter. But… well, I stopped it where the story finished. Just some people wanted more loose ends tied up. Yuletide 2021 at Castle Marsh

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Website upgrade

I’m going to be making changes to this website over the next month or two, so if you find things are disjointed, or you have to click to ‘read on’, it’s all part of the process. It shouldn’t take long.