Xtra Stuff

This section holds extra information you might find useful, including links to background that first appeared on Jemima’s blog.

See the drop down pages from the menu as well: there is a list of, and links to, short stories that are part of the Princelings World, and a short description of the Principal Characters in each book.

Map of the Realms – South (click for larger view)

Map of the Realms – North (in preparation)

Character interviews (link to Jemima’s blog)

A to Z of the Princelings world  (link to Jemima’s blog) – this is sorted Z to A


You can download these pictures and print them on A4/Letter paper to colour yourself.

You may also print out any of the chapter illustrations to colour.  Just if you put them online, or display them somewhere, or use them as cards, please add ‘copyright J M Pett @ jemimapett.com’ to them.

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