It’s been quietish since the launch of Willoughby the Narrator. We had a few sales to people already up with the series, and Rebecca has kindly reviewed it. We had many more people download book 1, which continues to attract attention on all platforms, especially on iTunes. I sometimes wonder whether it is a good shop window for the rest of the series. My writing has certainly evolved since then, and so has the Princelings world.
Talking of which, book 8 is ready to go to my lovely editor. The Princelings of the North features Dylan at his irrepressible best, Dougall, steady and reliable as always, and Prince Kevin, exiled by his uncle Lord Colman, and finally realising what an idiot he’s been. He’s erratic – not surprising after all he’s been through – and he wants his castle back. I love it, but then I always love the latest one.
I’ve updated the page on Short Stories here to include the developments over the last two years. It’s a large body of work now.
A little glimpse of the future comes out on Friday 16th June in the form of a flash fiction story on the blog. The Thief of the Moon has both Fred doing his natural philosophy explanations and Willoughby telling a story. Enjoy!