Unless something odd has happened, you’ve missed the special offers on all the ebooks in July. But if you’re still filling in the spaces in your Princelings series collection (and I advise you to catch up before Willoughby the Narrator is published) then there’s a discount coupon for The Princelings and the Lost City below.
In Princelings and the Lost City, Fred is hoping to become accepted by Kira’s father. He’s working hard to be worthy of succeeding his uncle as the next king of Castle Marsh, but he’s still living at Castle Buckmore and exploring his interests in mapping and so on. He takes Kira on a visit to the fabled Lost City of Arbor, which they discover in the forest when diverted in a tunnel landslide. Kira starts behaving oddly after that… but is it change of heart from her, or is there something dastardly at work? It’s a tale of deception and heartache (and it’s still my favourite).
Get The Princelings and the Lost City throughout August at $1.99 instead of $2.99, for all types of ereaders at Smashwords, using coupon code QV63U at the checkout.
If you’d rather get the paperback, you can buy it with free shipping* at Book Depository.
Happy reading.
*free shipping subject to Book Depository T&Cs